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JMFS is merely referring/introducing the Stockal Platform to the recipient of this communication and has no other role to play in it.
Borderless Investing is neither acting in the capacity of a broker or investment adviser but is only that of a platform provider that facilitates investments in a diverse set of global assets from a single account from anywhere in the world. As such, Borderless Investing makes no warranties or representations, express or implied, on products and services offered through its website/platform. It accepts no liability for any damages or losses, however, caused in connection with the use of related services.
Involvement of JMFS is restricted to Referral Only. JMFS does not offer this product directly to customers. JMFS is sharing information about the Stockal Platform and the products/services provided by them on a “as is where is” basis without assuming any liability or responsibility in that regard. JMFS has not carried out any due diligence of the digital trading platform of Borderless Investing and/or of any of the broker registered in U.S. (“U.S. Broker”) through whom investments will be made by the investor using the digital trading platform. JMFS has not studied the U.S. regulations for dealing/investing in U.S. securities market. The recipient shall do their own independent enquiry/assessment/verification in this regard before they avail services of Borderless Investing and/or of the U.S. Broker. By accepting this disclaimer / Terms and condition, the receipt is hereby authorizing JMFS to shares his/her/its personal details to Borderless Investing. All dealings including KYC will be executed by U.S. Broker and Borderless Investing directly with the recipient and JMFS shall not incur any personal financial liability. For availing the services of Borderless Investing, the terms and conditions as agreed between the investor and Borderless Investing would apply. JMFS will not be party to any such agreement/terms and conditions. JMFS shall not be liable for any delay, deficiency in any service of Borderless Investing and/or of the U.S. Broker. Borderless Investing do not provide their services to trade on Indian Stock Exchange traded product. Any disputes with respect to aforesaid referral services of JMFS and/or the services of Borderless Investing , the investor would not have access to Indian Stock Exchange investor redressal forum or Arbitration mechanism. In case of any dispute with respect to the Stockal Platform or the investing (brokerage) account, the same shall be dealt directly with Borderless Investing . JMFS or its promoter, directors, employees, associates, etc. shall not be party to the same and shall not be liable whether in civil or criminal law in India or in any other jurisdiction for any reasons whatsoever.
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Investments in securities market are highly risky and are subject to market risks including, without limitation, price, volatility, liquidity and capital risks. The investors should not make any investments unless they can afford to take the risk of losing their entire investment.
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